Roof Ventilation and Ridge Vents

Proper ventilation prevents moisture issues in your attic, premature aging of your roof, and shingle cracking. Roof ventilation will also help maintain a healthy indoor environment. When warm air from your home meets cooler air in your attic, condensation can occur....
CDX or OSB for roof sheathing?

CDX or OSB for roof sheathing?

The structural characteristics of both are equivalent, and it’s true that they can be used interchangeably.However, there are differences that roofers and homeowner’s should be aware of when constructing anew roof or starting a roof repair. The biggest difference...

Metal Roofing: Underlayment

$3,000 underlayment? Sounds crazy… here’s why: Metal roofs get HOT….& so will the underlaymentRoofs can be up to 20 degrees warmer than ground temperature.Metal roofs can conduct even more heat then a shingle roof.High temperature Ice & Water Shield can...