1 Wood vs 2 Woods Construction

1 Wood vs 2 Woods Construction

Here we are starting a new construction project in Port Angeles that does a nice job in showcasing the differences between number 1 wood and number 2 wood. With the primary difference being cosmetically , number one wood is selected specifically for an exposed...
How Natural Causes Can Impact Your Roofing Repair

How Natural Causes Can Impact Your Roofing Repair

One of the largest responsibilities of owning a home is maintaining your roof. While the lifespan of a roof can average 20 years according to industry experts, this could be accelerated by several natural causes. Here are several ways nature can impact your roofing...
The Sustainability of Smog-Reducing Shingles

The Sustainability of Smog-Reducing Shingles

Are you considering a roof replacement? If so, you may want to consider smog-reducing shingles. Not only are smog-reducing shingles a durable roof replacement solution, but they are also energy efficient. That could be a great step toward owning a more sustainable and...
What to Expect During Your Roof Installation

What to Expect During Your Roof Installation

According to Roofing Contractor Magazine, over 5 million new roofs are installed every year. One of the most common roofing materials on newly built homes is asphalt. This material is a popular option because of its style, convenience, and versatility. If you have a...