“Being a mother of 4, college student, and new business owner, it is a huge struggle financially yet an amazing journey to be on. Recently I started having car troubles with no way of being able to afford to fix them at the moment. I was asked if there was anything I wanted for Christmas from a family friend & church organization and literally, all I could think of was tires. I am very thankful to have had Les Schwab & Integrity Roofing & Construction reach out to me, offering to donate tires. I am still speechless about the blessing! It’s a huge financial burden taken off of me. Now I can focus on accomplishing other goals & I don’t have to worry about transportation. Les Schwab’s customer service is beyond professional, and timely, and the location was super clean. The location & staff were also very kid friendly. It was a great experience! This gift from both companies has changed my life. I am extremely grateful!”
– StraitBeautiesLLC