Winterize Your Home: 6 Roof, Siding & Gutter Winter Maintenance Tips

Dec 17, 2021Education

Snow may look harmless as it sits silent on your roof… These things can actually cause some serious damage if not dealt with promptly.

1. Freeze & Thaw Cycle

  • As snow and ice melt, the run-off water can seep into siding & roofing seams  and expand causing leaks.

2. Ice Dams

  • This is rare in the Pacific Northwest, and mainly occurs in the Midwest, but if enough water freezes at the edge of your gutter consistently, the result is damage to the gutter system or soffit damage.

3. Snow Rot & Flashings

  • If places on your roof (pitched or flat) are susceptible to snow and water buildup, such as the upper side of chimneys and even below the windows on a deck (same as a flat roof section), they can be prone to leaking because of low drainage.

  • To avoid leaks, make sure your siding is in good condition and has proper metal flashing installed as this can contribute to leaks in your deck or roof  around any chimneys or skylights.

  • Where the siding meets the roof is also a problem area. Don’t allow the siding to have constant contact on areas where water or snow will come in contact with it.
  • You can use Z metal flashings to help with stopping rot behind siding and around doors and windows. (Pictured below)

4. Snow Removal Damage

  • Clearing snow off your roof is a much trickier task than it appears. If done too quickly, you could end up with damaged bald shingles. Leaving the snow to melt isn’t any better of a solution either. Instead, have a professional come clear snow off your roof to ensure no damage to your roof and a job well done.

5. Snow Guard On Metal Roofing

  • To improve safety on your roof, you can get something called a snow guard for your roof. They help keep snow and ice from sliding off the roof onto people or animals and protect gutters.

6. Gutter Damage

  • As your roof may suffer from heavy snow, your gutter can also easily buckle under the weight of snow and ice. Before a major snowstorm hits, ensure your gutters are clear of any debris and are enforced properly.


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